Teacher’s Oral Lesson by Ted Stevens
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The facade of respectability often crumbles to dust with remarkable swiftness once its protective armor has been pierced.

The relatively minor investigation into the conduct of one police officer results in the discovery of massive corruption within the force. A routine check by the government of a corporation’s finances turns up damning evidence of widespread tax evasion, graft, kickbacks, bribes and payoffs. Insignificant-looking cysts reveal malignant tumors.

And what of the facade of righteousness and puritan morality in the hallowed precincts of that renowned English import, the prep school?

What really goes on behind those ivy-covered walls? Does depravity belong exclusively to the ghetto-dweller, as many of the more fortunate among us would like to think?

TEACHER’S ORAL LESSON — a serious and shocking story about a teacher and her students at one school where the most popular subject was sex… and the lessons they all learned from their experiences.

Virginia heard the low moaning coming from the boys’ lavatory of the Westbourne Academy for Boys. She thought someone was hurt and she had better run in. But prudence made her hesitate.

Around the corner of the red brick building was a bench under a non-glazed window. Virginia mounted the long wooden bench on her tiptoes and peered in. There was William Crawley, the brightest and handsomest boy in her senior English class, with Miss Tobbie, the principal’s secretary.

Virginia Tidwell had never seen anything like it in her twenty-six years of chaste existence. She looked dumfounded as William placed young, voluptuous and very naked Miss Tobbie on the edge of the corner sink. The redhead was spreading her legs apart before the well-built boy and moaning obscenities, her head tossed back and rolling about.

Virginia’s first impulse was to scream. But even though it was after school hours and there might someone around, she didn’t want to expose any decent people to this sinful sight. She stifled a grimace of distaste and watched.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

Note: This story is the same as catalog number PR-3341 in the original publications (a duplicate).

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