Hot Family Ties by Don Scott
Price: $2.99

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Of all the social institutions which have had to endure change and weather criticism, the family concept is, perhaps, the most pronounced. Subjected to the undermining forces of alcoholism, the use of drugs and marijuana, and the advent of mate-swapping, the family unit has undergone immeasurable challenge in the wake of social change.

HOT FAMILY TIES is the story of how some people adjust to the liberated moral standards within the family unit. Beset by such common problems as divorce, jealousy, age differences, and unfaithfulness, the characters in this story find an unusual solution to their dilemma. Their method may well be considered unusual or shocking, but it is nonetheless successful.

HOT FAMILY TIES-a novel of fiction for entertainment. A reminder that what is debased and perverted for some may well be normal for others.

“This is absurd,” Janet whispered as he slipped his hand inside her blouse, cupping her luscious tit through her sheer, lace bra. “Please, Jonas, you know this isn’t right.”

But Janet really didn’t believe her own words. Not when the hot, tingling sensations coming from her aroused, lust-hardened nipple were spreading the flames of such unbridled hunger in her that she couldn’t believe it was possible.

“Please, you know you want to just as much as me,” Jonas whispered, pressing his fingers deeper into the lusty woman’s incredible tit. He couldn’t believe how firm her tits were, despite their extraordinary size. “Come on, I’m a young man. You must know the kinds of needs I’ve got.”

And Janet did know. That’s what frightened her so much. She knew that once a boy her son’s age started fucking, he’d want to fuck all night long. And considering Janet’s burning, aching need for cock-meat, she just might not be able to stop herself. Not unless she stopped herself right now, before things got out of hand, before she knew the ecstasy of feeling his cock wedging her cunt-lips far apart, filling her seething, juicy cunt with his rigid, fiery cock.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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