Her Lover Son by Robert Vickers
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Psychologists invariably agree that man has certain needs which are an inherent part of his nature. The most commonly mentioned are the physical needs — the needs for food, for water and shelter. The need for sex — the “reproductive drive” as it is often referred to — is also considered basic to man.

We see this last need demonstrated time and time again. Witness the failure of the early Communist drive to abolish the family structure. Or the contemporary depletion of the priesthood and the institutions of convents and monasteries.

This is the story of a woman whose sexual drive has been denied its proper outlet by an uncaring and selfish husband — a man who feels he is living up to his end of the marriage “bargain” by insuring that his wife has a nice home and plenty of spending money. What he has forgotten, however, is that his wife needs much more than just material things. She also needs physical love.

But the die has been cast, and when the frustrated and lonely wife sees the outlet she needs for her pent-up sexuality, she grabs it. The fact that this outlet is her own son makes her story all the more shocking.

HER LOVER SON — the story of a woman whose quest for sexual fulfillment leads her down a shadowy path — to what? A story of interest to all who profess an interest in the institutions of marriage and the family.

“Phil, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it, Tam?”

“I’m pregnant. And I think it’s your baby.”

“You think! You think! What do you mean, you think it’s my baby? Don’t you know?”

“Oh, fuck you!” Joleen Jensen said as she turned off the television. The soap operas used to keep her satisfied, but they had long since become boring. She could sit back and mouth the words of all the characters before they even said them. Nothing new ever happened. Nothing exciting occurred. The same old stuff all the time. Women getting knocked up by one of the other characters.

Joleen didn’t like to read the confession magazines any more, either. The reason was the same. She knew how the damned things would end before she had finished the first paragraph.

Books from the library grew dreary after a while, too. What she needed was something to liven things up.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

Note: This story is the same as catalog number AB-4015 in the original publications (a duplicate).

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