Wayward Wife by Heather Brown
Price: $2.99

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Behind the outward serenity and closed doors of middle-class suburban homes, we find people tormented by the same problems that have afflicted men and women throughout the ages.

While Americans today are leading “the good life”, enjoying material comforts unheard of in other countries, people may still find themselves in an emotional turmoil, reinforced by the increasing alienation of our life-style.

Alice Fredericks is a typical suburban housewife. She is surrounded by material comforts. Yet her boredom and her husband’s increasing neglect lead her into acts which she never dreamed she was capable of. With each day she finds herself set more irretrievably upon a path from which there is no turning back.

WAYWARD WIFE is a novel about this woman. A novel about the problems that may confront any woman when she makes the fateful decision to ignore society’s prohibitions.

It was 3:30 in the afternoon and I had nothing to do. I had finished my washing and cleaning. It would be at least a couple of hours until it was practical for me to put the TV dinners in the oven so that supper would be on the table when George walked through the door. I felt as lifeless and listless as the dust mop standing over in the corner.

There wasn’t even anything worth watching on television. Nothing but soap operas at this time of day. I couldn’t stand to watch them. They made me so depressed. I guess the reason was that the characters were all so unhappy. Just like me.

Suddenly itching with tension and frustration, I got up and rearranged the furniture, moving one chair here, the coffee table over there. Then I stopped in the middle of it when I realized that it was the third time I’d moved the furniture this week.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

Note: This story is the same as catalog number DN-236 in the original publications (a duplicate).

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