The Tortured Teacher by Howard Banning
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Linda White pulled down her skirt so it would reach her knees as she began walking toward the administration building at Marley High School in Marley, California. If you didn’t, she reminded herself, all the boys would be staring at your legs all day long.

Linda hurried into the building, saying “Hello” to the few students she recognized from the first week of class. She wanted to keep making a good impression on the administrators, since it was her first job and she was years away from getting tenure.

Besides, she and her husband Steve had sunk everything into this move to Southern California, leaving Ohio just a few weeks before. He’d gotten a job with a micro computing firm and after weeks of frantic phone calling around the Los Angeles area, she’d found this job of teaching world history to high school students.

It had been a change, a big one. The kids amazed Linda. Most of them, except for a few hippies and a sprinkling of blacks bussed into the school from downtown, tried to act and look like movie stars. They all had sun tans and blonde hair and expensive clothes that were usually worn as tight as humanly possible.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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