The Wife’s Vacation by Ray Todd
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In many cases today’s marriage is seen as a business and/or social arrangement between consenting adults rather than a continuing expression of love.

The results are obvious: casual, promiscuous infidelity, a lack of concern for the partner and the children the breakdown of the nuclear family, and the use of others for thrill-seeking — and often deviant — purposes as an end in itself instead of as a means of showing devotion and affection. Too often a loving veneer masks a core of, at best, unconcern, at worst, depravity.

THE WIFE’S VACATION is the story of one middle-aged wife, outwardly normal, who discovers an eagerness to satisfy her lustful cravings in the arms of other men. A shocking story, true, but also a mirror of our times.

Martin Fielding was watching his wife, Jan, sitting in the living room, surrounded by suit cases as she carefully went over her check list. Jan was a very practical woman and he knew that she would have everything in perfect order before she and their two daughters would leave for Pine Ridge the following morning.

In their eighteen years of marriage, Martin’s wife had been very practical in everything she did. Not believing in frills, she always bought good long-lasting shoes that would give her lots of wear and comfort. She always bought dresses and skirts at a sensible length, never following the fashion trends. When short skins were in style, Jan’s always looked too long, and when lower hem lines than in vogue, hers were a bit too short. She considered the practical length as just below the knees, and whatever fashion might dictate, that was always her length. She never bought anything except the finest fabrics and received many years of wear from her clothes.

As the years passed and Martin Fielding became a prosperous businessman, Jan had remained a very practical housewife who ran the home in a smooth prudent manner. Everything Jan did was orderly and well planned, like fucking every Saturday night unless she was having a period.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

Note: This story is the same as catalog number AB-5067 in the original publications (a duplicate).

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