Hot And Eager Twins by Ray Mills
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Psychologists invariably agree that man has certain needs which are an inherent part of his nature. The most commonly mentioned are the physical needs — the needs for food and shelter. The need for sex — the “reproductive drive” as it is often referred to — is also considered basic to man.

The two young women in this story — Ann Riles and her identical twin sister Kathi — possess this normal and healthy need for sex. Ann, being married to a normal, healthy man, has no problem satisfying her need. But Kathi, recently separated from her lover and living with her sister and brother-in-law, has no outlet for her sexual urges. Soon, Kathi’s realization that she cannot live without sex overshadows all other considerations, and she takes what some might consider drastic steps to remedy her situation. Steps that involve both her sister and her brother-in-law.

HOT AND EAGER TWINS is the story of two women who come to terms with their true natures and needs. A novel of significance to our ever-changing society.

Kathi was very upset over what had just happened. She wanted to deny her feelings, but she couldn’t. Seeing her twin sister naked had aroused her. Just that brief glimpse as Ann had passed the hall doorway on her way from the bathroom to the bedroom, had made Kathi’s blood rush. Her cunt was even moist. My God, how silly! she thought. What a stupid thing to be feeling!

“Kathi!” Ann shouted at her from the bedroom. “Why don’t you bring me a cup of coffee in here and we can talk while I dry my hair?”

Still shocked at herself, Kathi played nervously with her fingers. “Okay,” she said softly.

“Did you bear me?”

“Yes! I said okay!” she shouted back.

After all, it couldn’t be what she had first feared it was. It wasn’t really sexual arousal. She didn’t want to fuck her own sister. Even thinking it sounded silly. The thought of having sex with another woman had never even crossed her mind before. It was just dumb, something for creeps and freakos.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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