Horny Naughty Mother by Nick Eastwood
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Although Americans appear to the rest of the world as frank and open people, the truth is often the opposite when it comes to sexual and interpersonal relationships.

The fact is, Americans are only now learning to discuss sex and sexuality with candor, but they are still handicapped by a fear of anything that smacks of being different.

While no one is advocating sex as the main topic of conversation, and while sexual privacy is very important, many adults harbor fears about themselves and their sexual behavior that could be erased if they were more aware of other people’s behavior. Most of us have been brought up to be at least slightly ashamed of anything sexual, and it is frequently reassuring to discover that we are not different, naughty, or even perverted in our sexual practices. In discussing sex with others, people find out how truly normal they are.

The characters in HORNY NAUGHTY MOTHER are cases in point. Their story is one of real importance for a xenophobic society that fears and hates those who are different.

Pam Webber stood looking at her husband’s empty clothes closet. A few days earlier Vic had simply disappeared, taking most of his belongings, not even leaving a note of explanation. The pretty blonde housewife shook her head in wonder.

Vic had been laid off from his factory job months ago and hadn’t been able to find other work. Maybe he’d just grown tired of his responsibilities, tired of the hassle of supporting a wife and three teenage sons on an unemployment check. Whatever the reason, he was gone, and Pam had never felt more lonely in her life.

Maybe Vic had behaved like a louse, walking out like that, but she still loved him and needed him. They’d never been apart before. They’d always made love several times a week. That was what really got Pam down. Frankly, she was horny, and the problem seemed to be getting worse every day. She just didn’t know how much longer she could take the frustration of being without a man.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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