Wild Naughty Daughter by Frank Brown
Price: $2.99

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In WILD NAUGHTY DAUGHTER, Sally’s story is that of a teenage girl growing up in her own way: breaking the moral code she has been taught, flaunting her body in open rebellion. Reveling in any and every new wanton experience. Indeed, Sally makes a world of her own, where hedonism becomes the standard.

WILD NAUGHTY DAUGHTER — she is growing up, going over the threshold into young adulthood. She is learning to see her parents as people. This is the story of one teenager’s coming of age in our society.

The stores hadn’t even opened on Main Street, and already the early-summer day was sweltering. Sally had to run on tiptoe quickly across the asphalt at each intersection to the relative coolness of the concrete on the next sidewalk, although even the sidewalks were getting too hot to walk on barefooted.

She really should have worn shoes, she knew, but she’d gone barefoot and had worn her tightest, skimpiest shorts and blouse in the hopes that when she reached the First Baptist Church were her mother was waiting, her mother would turn red-faced with shock at her indecent manner of dress and send her straight home again instead of making her stay around to help serve coffee and doughnuts to the women’s group, of which her mother was chairwoman. On her first day of summer of vacation, Sally couldn’t bear the thought of spending the morning catering to a bunch of tittering, gossipy, self-righteous women.

She could already see them looking up and down, appraising her. They’d ask her how school had gone this yew. Had she gotten good grades? Wasn’t her hair getting just a bit too long? Her mother, of course, who’d been complaining about the length of her hair for months now, would send her straight to the salon to get it hacked off church-woman length.

Fictional reading for entertainment purposes only.

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